
Découvrez nos styles de coiffure modernes et élégants à Kethoo Hair.

Styles modernes

Découvrez nos créations uniques pour sublimer vos cheveux.

A modern hair salon interior with empty black styling chairs arranged in a row. A wall-mounted television displays a scene above two hair-washing stations. The salon features dark wooden wall panels and gray tiled flooring.
A modern hair salon interior with empty black styling chairs arranged in a row. A wall-mounted television displays a scene above two hair-washing stations. The salon features dark wooden wall panels and gray tiled flooring.
Ponytail élégant

Un style chic et tendance pour toutes occasions.

closed eyed woman wearing white crew-neck top
closed eyed woman wearing white crew-neck top
black and white knit textile
black and white knit textile
Tresses invisibles

Un look raffiné qui met en valeur votre beauté.

J'ai adoré mon expérience chez Kethoo Hair, des styles magnifiques et un service exceptionnel à chaque visite.

Marie Dupont

Two women are working on styling the hair of a third person whose back is facing the camera. One woman is using a tool, possibly to attach hair extensions or accessories, and the other is assisting. The setting appears to be a salon with neutral, calming colors.
Two women are working on styling the hair of a third person whose back is facing the camera. One woman is using a tool, possibly to attach hair extensions or accessories, and the other is assisting. The setting appears to be a salon with neutral, calming colors.

Les tresses knotless sont incroyables ! Je recommande vivement ce salon pour leur professionnalisme et créativité.

Sophie Martin

A hair salon interior seen through a glass door with welcoming signs in multiple languages. The reflection includes barber chairs, hair products, a wall clock, and decorative signage. Various posters and products are displayed on the walls.
A hair salon interior seen through a glass door with welcoming signs in multiple languages. The reflection includes barber chairs, hair products, a wall clock, and decorative signage. Various posters and products are displayed on the walls.